Ocean Specialists will be attending and participating at the Pacific Telecommunications Council’s Conference in Honolulu Hawaii (PTC19), from January 20th thru the 23rd. Tony Mosley, Director of Business Development at OSI, will co-host the Submarine Cable Workshop on the conference’s opening day, where the panel will focus on new subsea cable builds around the world and the challenges that they face.
Now in its 41st year, PTC is the leading Pacific Rim telecommunication event, with over 2000 attendees from all over the world. This year’s theme, “From Pipes to Platforms,” explores the connection possibilities for the exponentially growing bandwidth demand (pipes) seen currently in the industry.
This is an exciting time in the industry as connectivity demand continues to grow fueled by the ever-increasing demand for content as well as the realization by many isolated communities of the economic benefits that a high-bandwidth connection brings. Well-connected routes continue to expand and countries that, for many years, relied solely on low-bandwidth satellite connections, are getting their first high-speed, subsea, fiber optic cable connection.
As a subsea network development and advisory firm, OSI will be available to discuss our customer-focused approach to developing high-reliability subsea cable systems, from the initial feasibility study stages to procurement and development, through commissioning and operation.
To schedule a meeting time or learn more about how OSI can help you with your subsea network connection needs, click here. (link connect@oceanspecialists.com)
We look forward to seeing you at PTC!