Our engineering and design department is supported by a state-of-the-art design and fabrication facility in Stuart FL, where our certified marine engineering team use the latest software (CAD/CAM) to design and prototype marine systems. Our subsea engineers are supported by cutting-edge CNC machinery, mills, NDT equipment, and an advanced weld shop to prototype and manufacture a range of handling and control systems.
Over the years, Ocean Specialists has supported new technology development for a range of surface, mid-water and seabed technical challenges, providing electrical and mechanical engineering services, test and evaluation services and technicians to support the prototyping, development, and testing of deck equipment/deployment apparatus, surface and submersible vessels, and a wide range of marine technology tools and systems.
Increasingly, we are working in collaboration with a number of our affiliated companies to develop unique autonomous systems powered by renewable energy sources. While applications vary, we believe that the adoption of these remotely operated platforms are the key to ocean and offshore exploration over the coming decade.
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