Cable Operations and Maintenance Support

OSI provides our customers with a full life cycle of network services, bringing the benefit of a single-source group of experts to support your network from initial feasibility through to network operations and system maintenance. OSI’s Submarine Cable Operations and Maintenance Support (COMS) services are a complement to our network development and network operations services.

Our COMS capabilities include:

The OSI Cable Operations and Maintenance Support (COMS) team facilitates service using our OSI Cable Portal™ (C-Portal), which provides management and visualization of information in a geospatial environment, combining the power of ArcGIS with the ease of a web browser.
C-Portal is integral to OSI’s delivery of network design and implementation services through commissioning. During network operations, we make this tool available to our customers via our COMS service so our customers have real-time access to their network and critical information, anytime and anywhere.


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