Ocean Specialists, Inc (OSI) is pleased to announce the completion of the Desktop Study (DTS) and Budget Analysis Projects for the Early Warning Offshore Cascadia system being developed by the University of Washington. During this multi-month engagement, OSI assessed the feasibility for the installation of a network of instrumentation system off the coast of the Pacific Northwest. This future network will measure seismic activity and seafloor pressure to provide early warning of large earthquakes and tsunamis affecting the Pacific northwest.
OSI’s scope of work for the DTS included multiple route studies along the Cascadia Subduction Zone as well as the assessment of the cable landing sites for multiple segments. OSI was also engaged to carry out a detailed independent budget review for the selected routes and network design options. Cost ranges, risk factors, and industry factors were assessed to determine the most realistic cost scenarios.
David Willoughby, OSI’s Managing Director of Operations, highlighted the importance of these types of early warning sensor networks: “The Cascadia project will improve the availability of valuable scientific data, as well as enhancing the safety of the coastal communities in the region through early warning of offshore seismic events.”
OSI would like to thank Mr. Geoff Cram, from the University of Washington, for his assistance during the data gathering. OSI worked closely with the University to address all necessary concerns to deliver the right content on time.
About Ocean Specialists, Inc (OSI): OSI is a leading system development and advisory firm for telecommunications network solutions. OSI provides turnkey network development services for subsea fiber optic networks, ranging from commercial and economic feasibility analysis, to the planning, design, implementation and operations of their end-to-end components. OSI has completed over 200 subsea network projects across the Telecom, Oil & Gas and Scientific industries, in all regions of the world.